Chat With A Real Person
Have a question? A problem? Wanna tell us a joke? Gothika is proud to offer a hands-on experience with no chatbots! Has anyone ever had a good experience with a chatbot? Nope. That’s why we are here in person to assist.
As a small business, we know that you need personalized attention to your order. We strive to offer an amazing customer experience.
Contact Our Team
Hi! My name is Wendy and I am the head of our customer support department. If you have a question, comment, or just need info, JUST EMAIL ME! Seriously, I respond to emails fast! My direct email is If you have a question about an existing order please remember that I need your order number. Don’t forget that :-)
Live Chat
If you see the little orange chat thingy on the bottom right of the screen it means we are logged in and can chat with you live! It’s ALWAYS a real person. I loathe chatbots. If the chat thingy isn’t there that means we are either swamped or getting one of many many coffees throughout the day!
If the chat thingy isn’t there just email me!