What Kind Of Zombie Are You?

Zombies.  Creepy, horrifying, undead eaters of human flesh. Whether you want to be a slow, decaying creature like in The Walking Dead, or a fast vampiric zombie-like in I Am Legend, we can all agree that it’s the makeup that makes the costume.

Be Your Own Zombie

The first step is to figure out what level of dead you want to be.  Are you a fresh corpse, or have you been in the ground for a while? Or, are you a super-strong...

Can We Talk About Vampire Makeup Mistakes?

Well, here we are again. Halloween season 2020. It looks and feels a little different this year because of everything that is going on. It seems like people are adapting to their plans, and we are starting to see people planning their costumes and makeup projects, which leads me to today's topic. Vampire makeup. I have a huge pet peeve about vampire makeup. They are just all over the place and don't make any sense. Now, I am not talking about...